Key Stage 1 - 2 Ages 5 - 11
We provide a broad and balanced curriculum based around the British National Curriculum. Staff provide many learning challenges throughout the academic year that require children to solve problems, apply themselves creatively and express their knowledge and understanding effectively. The children also benefit from excellent musical, drama and sporting involvement to develop teamwork, independence and resilience. Our excellent wellbeing care ensures that all children feel valued and supported within our community, to develop as confident and unique individuals.
Curriculum overview
“Our Primary Department is where a child’s learning journey begins. Providing education from Year 1 through to Year 6, we aim to ensure all children develop their confidence and make outstanding progress in their learning. Our dedicated, experienced and enthusiastic staff provide classroom environments that ensure high standards and high expectations of our children are achieved, not just in their academic ability but also in their behaviour and attitudes.”
Autumn Term – Throughout the year the English Curriculum will be enriched through role play, experience days and retelling stories through drama and using our small world area. During the first half term we will be setting our expectations for writing in books and focusing on letter formation and writing sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We will begin to build a repertoire of stories, poems and songs that we can retell, recite and sing from memory. During the first half term our topic is Marvellous me. We will be exploring some lovely stories that focus on being special and celebrating differences. All of our writing during this half term will stem from these stories. We will be practising the poem ´The Nut Tree´ by Julia Donaldson in anticipation of our Poetry Performance. In Autumn 2 we will be exploring a beautiful poem called When I´m By Myself. We will use this poem as inspiration to write our own poems using features such as metaphors and rhyming words. As Christmas approaches we will investigate the features of letters and lists in order to send letters to Father Christmas and our Cheeky class elf.
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Autumn Term – In Maths this term we will be sorting and counting objects and representing objects in different ways. We will be starting to recognise and write numbers in words as well as in numeral form. We will be counting forwards and backwards and be able to say what is one more and one less. We will be comparing numbers and groups and be able to order numbers.
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Autumn Term – In Science this term we will be able to identify and name a variety of animals and talk about what they eat, where they live and some of their features. We will then be able to sort them into groups and make comparisons between these groups. We will also be looking at the human body and be able to name and label the body parts.
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Autumn Term – In Geography we look at our local area, especially the school and introduce geographical vocabulary such as aerial view, compass points and map skills. We will be reflecting on the journey of our lives and talking about significant events and changes that have happened within our living memory. We will also be celebrating Remembrance Day and learning about the significance of the poppy.
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Autumn Term – This term we will be reading a non-chronological report and a fictional story with a familiar setting. There will be an opportunity to consolidate punctuation skills taught in Y1, such as using capital letters and full stops correctly, before learning how to use question marks and commas in lists.
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Autumn Term – This term we will be focusing on Place Value as well as Addition and Subtraction. This will include recognising the value of each digit in a 2-digit number, comparing and ordering numbers to 100 using the greater/ less than and equals symbols, reading and writing numbers to 100 in numerals and words.
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Autumn Term – This term we will be learning about Living things and their Habitats, where we will learn about a variety of habitats and the plants and animals that live there. We will learn to tell the difference between things that are living, dead and things that have never been alive. We will have the opportunity to make observations of a local habitat and the creatures that live there, investigating conditions in local microhabitats and how they affect the minibeasts found within them.
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Autumn Term – Our first topic this term is Animal Kingdom. During this topic we will identify geographical similarities and differences between two contrasting localities of the UK and an African country. Our next topic is Land Ahoy! where we will be learning about Grace Darling and the importance of Lighthouses. We will also have the opportunity to design, create and evaluate our own lighthouse model.
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Autumn Term – STONE AGE BOY
Year 3 will start the term by developing their basic punctuation skills, recognising present and past tense verbs, using coordinating conjunctions, time adverbials, alliteration, and structuring paragraphs when writing.
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Autumn Term – The focus at the start of the term will be on Place Value in Maths. The children will become more familiar with reading and writing numbers up to 1000. They will then move onto Addition and Subtraction. Here, Year 3 will focus on adding and subtracting numbers mentally, as well as developing their fluency when using the columnar method.
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Autumn Term – Our first unit of study in Science will be exploring the properties of Rocks and Soil. They will work using a hands-on approach to compare and group different kinds of rocks on the basis of their simple physical properties. Finally, they will learn about the process of fossil formation and the life of the celebrated palaeontologist Mary Anning.
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Autumn Term – This term, we will be focusing on our first History topic of the year – The Stone Age. Year 3 will research and explore monuments of prehistoric Britain (like Skara Brae and Stonehenge) to learn what they can tell us about life in the Stone Age and how people lived.
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Autumn Term – This term our focus will be on the features and layout of different genres: recount texts, specifically diary entry writing, instructional texts. In addition to these focused writing topics, we will continue to work on extending the childrens’ English vocabulary knowledge, their spelling strategies, reading strategies and standard English grammar and punctuation.
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Autumn Term – Mathematical learning will focus on the place value system used in the English curriculum, all four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication & division. Also under the topic of geometry we will look at the Properties of Shape (2-D, quadrilaterals and symmetry) and angles. Please encourage your child/children to regularly practise their times tables to 12 x 12.
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Autumn Term – Our focus during this term is the area of sound, focusing on transmission and frequency and learning scientific vocabulary. Secondly, we will be studying electricity, including conductors & insulators and electric circuits.
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Autumn Term – The Romans. We will look in depth at the invasion of Britain and its impact, Roman roads & houses and Roman gods, as well as many other areas of Roman life.
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Autumn Term – Non-fiction: Speech
The children will learn how to craft an engaging speech introduction that captures the audience’s attention and sets the tone for the speech. They will be able to build a solid argument and support it with factual evidence. The children will also learn how to wrap up their speech in a powerful manner that echoes their key points and leaves a lasting impression.
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Autumn Term – We will begin the year covering Place Value and reading, writing and ordering numbers to one million. Secondly, we will focus on addition and subtraction, extending any existing knowledge by covering in-depth problem solving.
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Autumn Term –
To commence our Science, we will be looking at Hidden Figures – the incredible women who worked at NASA during the space race – followed by discovering Earth and Space. The children will learn about night and day as well as the movement of the moon and the planets. At times, we will experiment scientifically to gain a better understanding. Children will be taught how to hypothesise, plan, develop and carry out a fair test.
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Autumn Term – In geography, we will be learning about modern Greece. This will involve locating Greece and bordering countries on a map, looking at tourist attractions, the capital city and major cities and exploring trade in Greece. In history, we will be learning about the Tudors. We will look at key figures (such as Henry VIII) and key events (such as the Battle of Bosworth).
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Throughout this year, Year 6 will take part in whole-class guided reading sessions that will involve studying a variety of novels that link with our History and P.S.H.E objectives: Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll (World War II), Wonder by R.J. Palacio (PSHE: kindness, discrimination) and All the Things that Could go Wrong by Stewart Foster (learning disabilities). We will be focusing on developing the children’s various reading skills: honing their deduction, prediction and inference skills; encouraging them to identify evidence during class discussions; and coaching them to provide reasoned, written justifications for their views.
Autumn Term – This term, Year 6 will be focusing on the non fiction genre of recount as well as finessing their skills at writing in role (as a character). Their aim will be to engage their reading audience with careful vocabulary choices and writing techniques, whilst displaying a consistent command of the more formal writing style required for this piece of work.
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Reasoning and Problem Solving:
Reasoning, problem solving and accuracy in Mental Maths are key skills that Year 6 are aiming to develop this term. We will be encouraging the children to utilise the maths ‘talk’ skills taught to aid them in explaining their mathematical thinking and demonstrate greater depth when working. Explicit teaching of various strategies to facilitate problem solving, such as: working backwards, using smaller numbers, drawing a picture, drawing a table, and acting it out, will also be a top priority throughout the first term.
Autumn Term – This term, Year 6 will focus on ‘Place Value’ in numbers up to 10 million as well as revising their understanding of the ‘Four Operations’; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
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Autumn Term – Our first topic this year will be a study of ‘The Circulatory System’. The children will be given the opportunity to develop their knowledge of the various parts of the Circulatory system and their functions, whilst gaining an understanding of how blood and essential nutrients are transported around the human body.
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Autumn Term – Year 6 will be learning about ‘World War II’ throughout this term, including: the causes of the outbreak of the war, various key events in the early years (The Blitz, Operation Dynamo and the Battle of Britain) and research key leaders.
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